Saturday, January 22, 2011

3-Day Sprouted Granola

Day 1 -Soak overnight:
1 C whole buckwheat
2 C hulled, raw sunflower seeds
Day 2 – Drain and Rinse the seeds twice a day
Day 3- Pre- heat  your oven to the lowest setting. If you have a dehydrator, you can use that instead. The lowest setting on my oven is 170 F .  The ideal temperature is  150 F, so I occasionally prop my oven door open with a wooden spoon.
Drain the buckwheat and sunflower seeds really well.
In a large bowl combine them with:
1/8 C Grapeseed oil
1/2 C Agave (or honey or maple syrup)
2 C unsweetened coconut
1 C raw almonds
1 C hazelnuts
1 C pecans or walnuts
1 t fine (not ultra fine) sea salt or kosher salt
*optional cinnamon
** optional you may soak the nuts for 6 hours and drain well prior to making the Granola if you tend to have difficulty digesting nuts.
*** optional you may add more oil and sweetener to taste.

Spread mixture on to 2 baking sheets and warm in the oven -
stirring occasionally for 10- 12 hours.
As I stir the mixture, I move the Granola from the edges of the pan in an inward direction
so the edges of the mixture do not become overdone.
Cool thoroughly. Store in tightly sealed glass jars for up to 2 weeks.

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